Could it be possible that our ancestors of thousands of years ago were smarter than humans are today?
Innovation and invention is synonomous with mankind's leaps forward toward cosmic enrichment, but are we actually getting dumber?
Seriously, we just might be.
Innovation and invention is synonomous with mankind's leaps forward toward cosmic enrichment, but are we actually getting dumber?
Seriously, we just might be.
As a novelist who has previously touched upon genetic science and mankind's desire to enhance our human condition in my theological thriller 'Cloning Christ', and in my upcoming work 'Quest', I have asked whether man is getting dumber?

I have maintained that in 'spiking' as opposed to 'surfing', our imaginations are cultivated, and ingenuity, invention, and progress take place.
Now, does this mean that the Internet is without benefit? Of course not.
But the question remains, are we smarter today than, let's say, 3,000 years ago?
Immediately, you can take a look at the landscape of inventions and technology in today's world and you might want to clearly say, "Are you kidding? Of course we're smarter today than back then."
But I beg you to hold on.
In a popular research magazine called 'Trends and Genetics' a new research report just published suggests that human gene development may have peaked thousands of years ago. In fact, Professor Crabtree of Stamford, who has studied human gene projectory and mutation states that human gene mutation or adaptability has slowed down significantly since the time we shifted away from being hunters and gathers of food.

But as many neurologist have said in study after study regarding your brain's capacity, if you don't use it you lose it.
But Dr. Crabtree has a lot to say, and it sure makes some sense. So, is the human species failure to mutate and adapt making us dumber? Dr. Crabtree has a lot to say, and I think this is fascinating.
So is there a brain drain? Has our gene pool been getting diluted?
To listen to Dr. Crabtree's interview, click here.
Now if you're looking to do something really smart today - go and find the magic that exists each and every day: Do not take life for granted.
Peter Thomas Senese
Now if you're looking to do something really smart today - go and find the magic that exists each and every day: Do not take life for granted.
Peter Thomas Senese
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